sábado, 16 de octubre de 2010

Ubuntu: Peaceful and Hamonious relationships

Ubuntu is an South African philosophy that promotes communality and good relations. It states that everyone must recognize him/herself and others as humans and act like one, respecting others´ positions and thoughts, thinking in others´welfare and appreciating what ohters think and express.

This philosophy can be applied to management based on generating a good working environment, in order to take advantage of it and increase productivity and efficiency.

Ubuntu helps to understand and to accept values, norms, beliefs and other factors that affect cultures and that can be useful for cross-cultural managers. It serves to improve working environment and relations when the company has employees from different countries. Taking into account that productivity and efficiency increase as relationships are gettiing better.

Inside the organization Ubuntu philosophy can be used to promote community, harmony, solidarity and hospitality between its members, they realize that they cannot do all the tasks alone, they need help,advices and cooperation from their workmates, they can share or divide the hard work and in this way they diminish the burdens, as I said before: to increase efficency.

Under ubuntu philosophy, inside the organization appears interdependence "A person is a person through others", it means the unity is the most important rather than the work that independent parts do (synergy). the fact that the organization succeed because of the joint work of all the members, creates motivation and tight relations, then everybody will trust each other and they will act as a "family", they will feel confident to talk and expressed what they want, what they think and what they expect from the organization. employees will feel confident to transmit ideas and complaints to managers, they can discuss them together and achieve consensus to take decisions and actions. In this way employees will be identified with organization´s objectives and both, managers and employees can benefit from that.

As a conclusion, from Ubuntu perspective, we can affirm that if people feel they are bieng treated with respect and their ideas are worth, they will have a great commitment to achieve organizational goals; following this, cross- cultural managers mus implement and foster Ubuntu philosophy inside the organization to have a good impact on the output: improve the working environment and and then efficieny and productivity. (organization´s goals)

It is important to mention that the modern organizations must to adapt themselves to the environment and culture in which they are working, and the most successful are those ones who can adapt to it better and faster. (Dynamic work)


Mangaliso, P. (2001). Building competitive advantage from Ubuntu: Management lessons from South Africa. Academy of Management Executive, Vol.15, No. 3.
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